Safety & Compliance


Your crew has a lot on their plate - after all, running a yacht is no easy feat. Safety is critical and a properly developed and operated Safety Management System (SMS) makes all the difference. Dayboard offers a top-of-the-line SMS solution that streamlines processes and reduces the crew’s workload using technology, common sense, and most importantly - experience.

Do you need a Safety Management System?

In short, yes. All yachts benefit from added safety onboard no matter their use. However, if the yacht conducts charters, then Flag States make it compulsory.

The simplest way to know the type of Safety Management System necessary, is to look at the gross tonnage (GT) of the yacht. If it is 499 GT or less, then you need a MINI-ISM, if it is 500 or above, then you need to meet the international requirements of the ISM (International Safety Management) Code.

Still unsure of what you need?

Our SMS services include:

MINI-ISM Support:

Yachts 499 GT and Below

  • One or more iPads pre-loaded with vessel specific forms

    • Customizable with various applications - even ones made just for you

    • Full offline access and use of the MINI-ISM forms

  • Initial setup of the MINI-ISM onboard, including training the crew in its use

  • Initial compliance review of the yacht and developing a task list to ensure full compliance

  • Continually work with the crew to update and improve the system making it better over time

  • Annual surveys/audits/inspections onboard

  • Monitor the status of certifications of the yacht and the crew

  • Track and provide automated reminders for anything that might be coming due such as crew certifications and other important items

  • Handle all flag state related issues

Full ISM Management:

Yachts 500 GT and Above (includes ISPS & MLC)

  • Everything in MINI-ISM, plus;

  • DPA (Designated Person Ashore)

  • CSO (Company Security Officer)

  • Annual internal audits

  • Annual company exercise

  • ISPS (International Ship and Port Security)

  • MLC, 2006 (Maritime Labour Convention)

  • Everything you need to ensure full compliance

Everything you need in one place

Our industry-leading Dayboard System™ is flag-compliant and is chocked full of endless benefits that add greater control and can be tailored to your specific operations. The paperless system is backed up on the cloud whenever the iPad(s) is connected to the internet, and yachts with multiple iPads can take advantage of synchronized calendars, contacts, and more.

Due to the absence of stable internet signals at sea, we’ve made sure that your crew can use the system without connecting to the internet. Crew can complete forms, track certificates, view alerts to stay on schedule, and manage documentation at all times. The Dayboard System™ is infinitely customizable and almost any request can be accommodated - including the creation of vessel specific applications!


Key Features:

  • Unlimited number of tablets onboard

  • Calendars, contacts, and more sync between tablets

  • No internet required to operate the ISM system

  • MINI-ISM and Full ISM Systems available

  • All forms and documents are 100% customizable

  • Track dates for anything

  • Scan documents

  • 3rd party applications

  • All data syncs to the cloud

  • And more! Let us know if you have any questions!


“Dayboard Maritime has created a platform for all yachts that takes the tediousness out of the work requirements of running an ISM system. Dayboard’s system informs, teaches, manages, delegates and is simple to use with its interface.”

— Captain Adam J Huemoller